It’s rather apt that on International Men’s Day - a day focussed on issues facing men such as mental health - that we picked up on this track. ‘Oxygen’ from Lo Stesso is a brooding combination of electronica, indie, and rap that’ll find a home with fans of Basecamp and RITUAL. At the core of this track is a turmoil between want and need, between desire and necessity. It’s this indecision that drives into the murky depths of this layered production with it’s visceral affects, insidious bass, and minimalist beatwork. For the most part, the listener is entreated to sway with a serenading croon wrapped under layers of magnetised vocals, that is until a strong rap verse. Taking note from lines like, “Let’s call what it is / That’s basic / You need oxygen / Like I need a pen,” this song is all about being honest above all else. Following this impressive debut, we’ll be keeping a steady eye out for Lo Stesso from here on out. - Hannah Thacker
